American Dirt

American Dirt – By Jeanine Cummins
I really loved this book. It’s the story of a Mexican woman from Acapulco, having to flee Mexico with her son due to her friendship with a cartel boss turned sour. The story goes into the details about their migrant journey through the desert, on the “la Bestia” train, fears, dangers, enemies, friendships, as well as its effects on their characters.
After reading some reviews I noticed that some people LOVED it, and some HATED it. There was no middle ground. I thought it was curious, so I read many of them. It looks like those who loved it, appreciated the story, the dialogues, the characters, and the writing style. Those who hated it, however, didn’t like the fact that Jeanine Cummins is not Mexican. She is in fact a white woman.
Although I can understand how this could be somewhat a factor, I thought, as the book is clearly marked as fiction, her race to me wasn’t necessarily a factor.