call me the sprouts lady!

Wait, does that even make any sense? lol not sure but it’s my page so I can say it. And as it is my page, I can also have two posts in a row just about…sprouts!!
Look at those lil things I only planted on 06/01! That’s right! only 12 days, and the Thai Chilies are up. These were also from actual store-bought Thai Chilies, which made me even happier. I also tried Jalopenos but they don’t seem to be popping out. I am starting to think that you really have to let them dry before you plant them. I’ll try the jalapenos again, that way. but let’s not talk about jalapenos when it’s Thai chilies day! this is not my first batch, but the first time, I just got a beautiful plant, with no chilkies. Is that even possible? I still have the plant, it’s cute, but I want Thai chilies damnit!(Sayd the wuss who gets the hiccup from spicy food!).
They are all still in just a few tiny pots, so we will see how many will survive, but let me be happy for the lil shoots. Yaaassss!