I Who Have Never Known Men

I Who Have Never Known Men – by Jacqueline HarpmanI am not sure what tos ay about this book as I am still, a few days la

Farenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 – by Ray BradburyEven though my kids told me they didn’t read this book in school, I heard it is (o

American Dirt

American Dirt – By Jeanine CumminsI really loved this book. It’s the story of a Mexican woman from Acapulco, havin

Lies We Tell Ourselves

Lies We Tell Ourselves – By Steena HolmesI am not sure if I am not in the mood to write, or I just don’t know what

A Flicker in the Dark

A Flicker in the Dark – Stacy Willingham I was going to start by saying “This is not my usual book genre”, b


Divergent – by Veronica RothLet me start by saying I did not watch the movie, and I probably won’t, so I didn̵

The Downstairs Girl

The Downstairs Girl – by Stacy Leeone of my first period novels in a while…actually…uhm…did I ever rea

call me the sprouts lady!

Wait, does that even make any sense? lol not sure but it’s my page so I can say it. And as it is my page, I can also hav

Strawberry fields foreverrrrrr

I know I know, it doesn’t take much to make me happy, but look at these lil things! .5 months ago, I cut the skin of an

The Day Shelley Woodhouse Woke Up

The Day Shelley Woodhouse Woke Up – Laura PearsonSometimes I pick up books all in a hurry, just cause I need something t

Sometimes they just come to you

I know I know, I could have taken a better picture, but I am kind of sick, and this is what I have, so this is what you get. I

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue – V.E. SCHWABI enjoyed this book so much, even if I must admit, it was more of a love

Ohhh the beautiful smellllll

Remember I had a post a while back where I mentioned buying a Lavender Pillow Myst? Well, you probably don’t, but I did.

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone – By Benjamin StevensonI wanted to love this book so much! It has a decent rati

The Measure

The Measure – by Nikki ErlickI am still doing my thing and you know…living life! But I decided to go back to shari

Remarkably Bright Creatures

Remarkably Bright Creatures – By Shelby Van Pelt.But how much do you really like octopuses, Tara? Oh my, I am glad you a

The Public Library.

There is a public library just a couple of blocks away from my house. I have taken the kids there when they were little, the k

Señora Maria Maranta

I got this Maranta plant for her beautiful leaves…look at the colors! It definitely looked like a Maria…yup, she i

Tina Freaking Turner

Yes, I name all my plants, we established that, and we may have also established that idrgaf about what anyone may think about

I’ll turn anything into jam!

I eat toast and jam for dinner a lot, cause I am lazy, and cause it’s freaking yummylicious! And after making those litt

Martian Time-Slip – Philip K. Dick

Martian Time-Slip – BY Philip K. DickNobody has ever accused Philip K. Dick of being normal…this book was weird as hel

Mental :ME: day

Welcome to my “day after”, when the mind says “NO” and the body says “OH HELL NO!”. I need

The onion: an article from the onion

Sounds like an article from The Onion, but my onion has some weed!Remember my little onion experiment? It’s going like c

it’s hard for me to live with me: a Memoir – Rex Chapman

It’s hard for me to live with me: a Memoir – BY Rex ChapmanI love Rex from Twitter, I didn’t know much about his

Pears and Ginger

And yes, more food shit. Ok, that doesn’t sound too Martha Stewart…more food stories! 🙂 That’s betterR


Herakut appreciation post.I love many artists, many styles, but not as much as Hearkut (and maybe…maybe Etam Cru). I lov

When life gives you Lemons…

Make marmalade! I had a whole Twitter post about the difference between marmalade, Jam, and Jelly…in Italy we just have

Picking up the ipad

About damn time too. Today I recharged my iPad and I am ready for some relaxing procreate time. This is not new work, but I th

My very own creamy pesto

I have 3 happy basil plants and now I sort of “have to” make pesto! I like it cause I don’t put all that oil


This bald little thing started going outside – notice how dirty he is there!?! -and as we live in racoonland, we had to

So, hear me out…onion!

I hate them. No, that’s not even right, I hate them raw, the feeling, the smell, the fact that once you eat a tiny itty

One day, in philly…

…while eating Ramen before meeting up with my peeps, I sketched Willow Smith. Well, my version of Willow anyway. It does

Santino moved out

This is where I’d shed my proud mom tears…SantinooOooooo!!But I won’t, cause the lil thing just moved next t

Well smack my ass and call me charlie!

Who knew Tara could bake!?!? First of all, klet me introduce you to my new mini mixer, cause mixing everything by hand was no

Look what I can doooooo

There is something to be said about making food from scratch, and using some of your garden ingredients…and it’s a

Emoji cookies!

Milo asked for a soft, non chewy cookie with icing and a lot of sprinkles (whose kid is he!? Icing!? A lot of sprinkles!?! Eee

Ohhh…and I mean ooohhhh

I know I know…you are thinking holy hell not another food post. Well, it’s another food post…so take it, and

My studio put me on a milk carton

ngl it’s been way too rainy and cold to go to my studio (plus, I am redoing my kitchen), and I haven’t been in a w

I have a baking gambling problem!

No, for real, I am enjoying “gambling” with ChatGPT to create recipes with what I have. It’s a gamble, but w

Get on mah pillow!

Muse Apothecary. I was looking for a new pillow lavender essential oil and this got me cause of the name and the graphic. I am

My heart

These 3 hold a large part of my heart. Can’t have a bad day with buddies like them <3Lily, Panini, and Pollo.

Midnight pesto

For real tho…who makes pesto at midnight? This girl! At around midnight I went to the kitchen to make myself some Theraf

We need mooaaar carrots!

Still armed with ChatGPT, I asked for more ways to use the discarded carrot/lemon/orange pulp of my daily juice (oh, and of co

Repurpose queen

I hate wasting stuff, especially when it’s plastic…damnit, save the planet and all that good stuff! I am in mid-si


Another Martha Stewart post. Go figure I had to wait till I was a lil old lady and turn into MS!So I got a small juicer cause


My favourite at the moment: Tealyra Liquorice Wellness Detox tea, and Ayurvedic Herbal Tumeric loose-leaf tea mixed together.

I can definitely do both

I lead a team of techies in A.I., kick your ass in Call of Duty, and sorta play Martha Stewart when I feel like it. When you d

Adding to my jungle

As if I didn’t have enough plants…I got some more. 3 are coming in, and 2 are here. A Fittonia (and something else

The Flour

As I am in baking mode, I may as well go all out and make my own flour. Oat Flour, to be specific. I need to get used to the d

I Literally can’t sit still

I don’t know how some people can just sit on the couch and watch TV, and just scroll through their social media. I am re