Farenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 – by Ray Bradbury
Even though my kids told me they didn’t read this book in school, I heard it is (or it was, before the book burners started banning books…how ironic!) part of the American school curriculum. But as I didn’t go to school in America, I never read it. Of course, I heard about it, and I was curious. Ngl, I think it dragged a little too much for my tastes, and as a good impatient reader, I rolled my eyes here and there, but the story, the plot, was spot on. Scary to think that we are going through times when censure and book “burning” are back in fashion…I would never have thought we’d be dragged down that path again, but here we are. This book is scary and gives you hope at the same time, or, at the very least, should give you a clear view of which path to follow.