When life gives you Lemons…

Make marmalade! I had a whole Twitter post about the difference between marmalade, Jam, and Jelly…in Italy we just have “marmellata”, we don’t tend to overcomplicate life the way Americans do!
Anyway, my sweet lil neighbour gave me a whole box of Meyer Lemons from her tree as she knew I was juicing. I am, but holy hell I cannot juice that many lemons! So I decided to make marmalade. This is my first time, and it turned out great! I will use it as both marmalade and tea…it’s delicious! As I also had a box of blueberries lying there singing their last goodbyes, I double-whielded those spoons, and boom! made blueberry jam too.
I don’t know…this cooking, baking, or making jams thing is pretty new to me, but I am loving the living bejeezus out of it! All of it! I never thought I would enjoy it, but I lovbe creating, making art of any kind, so I assume this is just like that…food art. Making things is my jam (pun intended), and it turns out I am not that bad at it after all…thankyouthankyouverymuch!