My studio put me on a milk carton

ngl it’s been way too rainy and cold to go to my studio (plus, I am redoing my kitchen), and I haven’t been in a while. It’s sort of calling my name today, but I doubt it’s gonna happen, I really need to finish that kitchen! I usually don’t start many paintings at once, cause I have the attention span of a squirrel, so I try to stick with one and actually finish it, but for some reason, it wasn’t the case in the last month, and here I am, with a few unfinished pieces. I don’t know how other artists manage to make their unfinished work look so good, mine are all super wonky till I am done (and well, sometimes even after ah!), but I am posting them anyway…my last unfinished work, sadly calling my name from my studio while I pretend not to hear them…I’ll get there…sooner or later…:)