My very own creamy pesto

I have 3 happy basil plants and now I sort of “have to” make pesto! I like it cause I don’t put all that oil that’s in store-bought pesto, and I don’t use much of it at all. Yesterday I made some more…and it was soooo awesome! I had about a tbsp left of impossible ground beef, added some cream, on cheese tortellini. Ohh yeaaaahhhh!! Am I the only person so into food that actually posts about it!? ah! ngl, the little things in life make me happy…but hey, it works, random happiness and excitement about the lil things, kept me looking younger than most of these mf 20 year olds miserable little bitter girls (yeah, I am talking about you, Spongebob! lol inside joke, but so you know, I have analytics).
Anyway, this was GREAT!! and making food with your own ingredients makes all the difference. So satisfying and so freaking good! I still have some tortellini left, and yeah…I won’t post about it again (I may! ah!), but I am gonna make some more!!