Martian Time-Slip – Philip K. Dick

Martian Time-Slip – BY Philip K. Dick
Nobody has ever accused Philip K. Dick of being normal…this book was weird as hell!
I mean, we are talking about Philip K Dick…you know, Bladerunner, Ubik…you know…him! So I expected weird. But this was weird even for him, or at least that’s what I think.
I actually liked the concept, the thought behind it, could schizophrenic people just live life at a different speed? Could they know something we don’t know? I often think that when I see people roaming around the city talking to themselves…here we are, calling them crazy, and maybe they see what we cannot see. A different dimension? A higher level? Who knows!
Anyway, although I liked the actual story, this one didn’t really do it for me. It dragged a little, and the character development wasn’t really what I hoped. It was ok…I gave it a generous 3 stars.
SF is a hit or miss with me, I am not THAT into it, but yet, one of my favourite books (Ender’s Game and its trilogy) is Sci Fi…so I try.
And I tried this time too, for a semi-miss.
On to picking the next one! whatever that may be………
