Ohhh…and I mean ooohhhh

I know I know…you are thinking holy hell not another food post. Well, it’s another food post…so take it, and take it with a smile! So yeah…dinner was on me last night. Totally. There’s something to be said about making food from scratch. I didn’t make the pasta of course (but I have a pasta maker and I am sooo gonna make some soon! This time I used De Cecco. Hands down the best brand.) but this was my homemade pesto. It was a little dry cause I didn’t use much oil, so I added some cream. Not much, but enough to defeat the purpose of not using oil I guess lol well, whatever…I added a lil bit of cream, Parmesan Cheese, and a bit of fake bacon (which I thought I hated when I bought it and it managed to change my mind sooo fast!!).
It turned out way too good. Way too good! This cooking thing is turning out to be pretty gratifying. I am proud of my lil creations, as simple as they may be 🙂