One day, in philly…

…while eating Ramen before meeting up with my peeps, I sketched Willow Smith. Well, my version of Willow anyway. It doesn’t really look like her much, but that’s how I saw her…and I love it! The oversized over simplified ears are my fav part…I know, I am odd.
I loved it enough to draw it on board, and it’s been hanging on my wall, in my hallway ever since.
The crazy thing is how the varnish loved this piece, I couldn’t even take a decent picture because of the shine…in person, it’s so shiny and so smooth it makes me wanna keep touching it.
It’s super simple, pencil on board, but it’s one of my favourites.
Willow, pencil on board 24×16.5 (on my wall, but sort of available):