Santino moved out

This is where I’d shed my proud mom tears…SantinooOooooo!!
But I won’t, cause the lil thing just moved next to my desk.
WTF is Santino? You may ask? But my lil cherry tomato plant!
A while back I squished 2 soft cherry tomatoes in some soil and got a lot of lil plants. I named it all after mafia bosses, cause, yeah, I name my plants (and each plant has its crystals…yeah. I know…I am an odd one).
Not all survived, but Santino is one of them, and it outgrew its pot twice.
he was hanging from one of those things I made for my window. Uhm…I don’t even know what they are called ah! But you know what I mean, but it got a little too big for that spot, so today I moved it to a large tomato pot I had laying around my backyard empty…I don’t even know why.
It’s been raining a lot (sunny today tho…so it may be the end of that miserable weather time…I fucking hate rain and cold weather!), so I don’t feel like putting it outside, so Santino moved next to my desk.
Who has a tomato plant next to their desks? but me, of course!
I am a sucker for my plants!
I hope Santino will survive the change of pot…