Sometimes they just come to you

I know I know, I could have taken a better picture, but I am kind of sick, and this is what I have, so this is what you get. I am learning gouache, mainly because I am busy at work (that’s right, I do this when I work!! shhhhh), and I cannot go down to my studio to play with oils. I have never used gouache before and I LOVE it! Absolutely love it! this is actually mixed media, pencil, acrylic, and gouache on scrapbook paper.
I know my gouache skills aren’t exactly on point, it’s actually not as easy as it sounds, especially on lightweight paper, but I adore this one. It’s up in my office right now, and, if I ever get my ass back on track, I will probably have prints (and maybe the original?) available for sale.
Now I am gonna do curl into a lil ball on the couch and do nothing for a day or two…I am sick. Booo.