Strawberry fields foreverrrrrr

I know I know, it doesn’t take much to make me happy, but look at these lil things!
.5 months ago, I cut the skin of an old strawberry and planted it.
I didn’t know if it would grow, of course, but nothing to lose, right?
Then nothing happened. Like nothing nothing. And my impatient self thought “whatever”. I really didn’t think anything would have happened, but the lil soil pot was sitting next to my other plants and while I was watering them, I gave it a lil water too.
then today I looked at it and…look at all the lil strawberry plant sprouts!!
I hope they will keep going, I will keep them in this pot longer, of course, but I hope they all keep growing so I can transplant them into something bigger. Yes, I could have bought a strawberry plant, but this is mine mine! <3
I am in strawberry love!!