The onion: an article from the onion

Sounds like an article from The Onion, but my onion has some weed!
Remember my little onion experiment? It’s going like crazy, and btw, I had to put it outside cause it started smelling like onion. Yeah naaah…hell no! Anyway, I use recycled soil I get from my other plant-growing activity, and today, I went outside to replant some tomatoes, I took a look at my lil onion and well look at that, she has a buddy!
A tiny itty bitty lil weed plant decided to pop up. Must have been a discarded seed hiding in the soil or something, I don’t even know, but it’s cute as hell. I don’t have a clue what strain it is, but I guess we will see.
The onion, my plug ๐Ÿ™‚