The Public Library.

There is a public library just a couple of blocks away from my house. I have taken the kids there when they were little, the kids’ area is a whole huge room full of books. They loved it. But I haven’t been there since, even if I left a couple of boxes of books on their doorstep a few times, in the middle of the night, like the book fairy, or maybe more like the book ninja.

I decided to check it out again anyway The adult section is super small, and anyone who knows me, knows how much I hate hardcover books. So awkward, so heavy, so “look at me, I am expensive but I say the same things and the cheaper paperbacks!”. So I immediately thought “meh, nothing to see here”…till the lady told me, “Try it! get a card, and check out our digital section!”.

I got a card, I mean…look at it, a Golden State Warriors card!? The coolest library card in the nation! And when I got home, I did in fact check out the digital section. Now I can’t stop telling my friends to get themselves a library card! Hoopla, Boundless, and Libby come with your card, hundreds of thousands of ebooks and audiobooks waiting for you to pick them.

I eat, no, I devour books, so this whole thing is making me super happy! Check out your local library!