Tina Freaking Turner

Yes, I name all my plants, we established that, and we may have also established that idrgaf about what anyone may think about that (wow fiestyyyyy) so roll your eyes, shake your head, facepalm yourself, I still name my plants 🪴. Anyway, This is Tina Turner, one of my Tiny Tom tomato plants. I don’t really know what kind of tomatoes Tiny Toms are, I got the seeds on Amazon, but they are from the Cherry Tomato family, or at least those small ones. Well thank god, cause a big tomato would kill this baby plant! I thought tomato plants didn’t make any tomatoes till they were big and tall, and I definitely have plants bigger than this one, but BOOM!! Here they are! I called this batch of Tiny Toms Tina, but while Tina Belcher and Tina Fey are sitting there looking pretty, Tina Turner is all on steroids making babies! I can’t wait to try them!
I hope these first tomatoes will keep growing and survive…but at least for now, they are looking good! It’s a simple but very gratifying thing, eating your own produce…love it!